
45 Movie Reviews

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Awesome is all I can say.

My empty head was blown away along with Bison's! Keep up this awesomeness!

I'll comment on what I can.

This was a really good flash video despite it only having Japanese and Korean text. The animation was incredibly smooth and the fighting was awesome if not a little short. That's about all I can say since I can't follow the story. A remake in English would be nice but I'm not gonna take off the stars you deserve because I'm illiterate in Japanese and Korean. Keep up the awesomeness man.

You're NOT continuing this?

Then I gotta say that I'm really dissapointed. Only 2 episodes out and I'm already hooked. You have amazing flash skills and for you to turn this into a comic would be a damn shame, but it's your prerogative as the artist, and a comic would be better than cancelling altogether. But hey no matter what you choose, anyone can see your obvious genius, and I appreciate you sharing it here on New grounds, even if only for 2 episodes.

10/10 5/5

Heroofflash responds:

You are too kind. Yes, I'm disappointed, too. But I need to make something fresh in order to compete with the people here in Newgrounds.

Very nice despite all the snags.

This was a very well made sprite animation, and I'm suprised that I liked the type of sprites you decided to use (you don't see non-gba sprites like that used too often). Not counting the lack of sound, the only thing I would recommend for a full 10 is that you add a button to make the text go faster or slower depending on the viewer.
9/10 5/5 and I'm adding you as a favorite artist!

That was something else!

I obviously don't need to tell you how awesome this animation is (a lot other people already beat me to it) but I'll go ahead and say that this was nothing short of amazing even only as a short preview. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing your finished work! Can't wait to see Tails kick some ass!

Blank-Mage responds:

Thanks, but Tails will spend a good amount of time running away and not dying. But don't worry, we'll get to it eventually.

Got some much needed loling outta this!

Can't wait for the next one. 5 and favorited.

Whoa bro!

For a first flash animation this is terrific! Your animation was really smooth, your drawings are well done, and the music is perfect! I read some people didn't like the lack of background, but I personally thought that brought out the colors of the effects and the characters. I'm really looking forward to seeing you finish this!

And lol on the buff Mario! XD

We get to choose huh?

I'd personally like to see two different videos of each characters victory over the other. And for those of you not DBZ savvy, that isn't VEGETA, that's the combination of Goku and Vegeta with the Portra earrings VEGETO.

Very Impressive First!

This was a very great flash video! I don't know who the characters are for sure, but since a guy is named Train and has a gun I'll just assume it's from the Black Cat anime! X3

Otakuness aside, there isn't much criticism to say about this. The fight was solid and original, the music and sound were perfect, the way Train took down those afterimages (or whatever they are called) was brilliant, and the laugh was down-right creepy! The only complaint I have is the same as junkdog8 and that's probably only because I haven't seen the anime for myself. I re-watched it to see what Phantom-2040 was saying, but because I myself am not a flash creator, I didn't really see it.

Anyway great flash, favorited, and I hope to see more of your work here on Newgrounds. =3

Kinosashi responds:

Thanks for commenting. I'm going to make better animations in the future on Newgrounds


I'm more of a Sonic fan than DBZ but this was just hilarious! Awesomeness!

I do a little bit of everything. Let's see what we can do together.

Shurrun Daniel @NOBODY321

Age 32, Male


Pyeongtaek-si, South Kore

Joined on 2/1/09

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