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You're NOT continuing this?

Then I gotta say that I'm really dissapointed. Only 2 episodes out and I'm already hooked. You have amazing flash skills and for you to turn this into a comic would be a damn shame, but it's your prerogative as the artist, and a comic would be better than cancelling altogether. But hey no matter what you choose, anyone can see your obvious genius, and I appreciate you sharing it here on New grounds, even if only for 2 episodes.

10/10 5/5

Heroofflash responds:

You are too kind. Yes, I'm disappointed, too. But I need to make something fresh in order to compete with the people here in Newgrounds.

That was something else!

I obviously don't need to tell you how awesome this animation is (a lot other people already beat me to it) but I'll go ahead and say that this was nothing short of amazing even only as a short preview. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing your finished work! Can't wait to see Tails kick some ass!

Blank-Mage responds:

Thanks, but Tails will spend a good amount of time running away and not dying. But don't worry, we'll get to it eventually.

Very Impressive First!

This was a very great flash video! I don't know who the characters are for sure, but since a guy is named Train and has a gun I'll just assume it's from the Black Cat anime! X3

Otakuness aside, there isn't much criticism to say about this. The fight was solid and original, the music and sound were perfect, the way Train took down those afterimages (or whatever they are called) was brilliant, and the laugh was down-right creepy! The only complaint I have is the same as junkdog8 and that's probably only because I haven't seen the anime for myself. I re-watched it to see what Phantom-2040 was saying, but because I myself am not a flash creator, I didn't really see it.

Anyway great flash, favorited, and I hope to see more of your work here on Newgrounds. =3

Kinosashi responds:

Thanks for commenting. I'm going to make better animations in the future on Newgrounds


The final animation in the credits was totally random and seriously awesome, and since so many others have commented on things of that nature, I'd like to go on about music because it upsets me that a great flash video like this gets lesser ratings for no sound or music.
As one other guy said the Audio Portal is indeed a great place for free kick ass music, but OCRemix.org has some great game remixes if you're ever looking for some and this website also has original music from several video games if you're intrested:
Now go and create, you gods of the internet!

jasonese responds:

Impmon was the result of my internet dying and boredom and I'm definitely not a god of the internet. Especially not on my first flash. As for the music, finding music is easy. Finding SFX isn't...at least not for me.


On the scale of 1 to epic you succeed and exceed awesomeness!!!

Pienkaito responds:

There's no way anyone can bypass the limit of the limited unlimited
Errr... Thanks for the outstanding comment? XD

Usually I hate blocked in sprite animations

But this one wasn't half bad. The fight was solid, some nice effects (the stage waving and such), and the songs weren't to bad either (really nice with the Cartman Pirate Song, totally unexpected). Step up your animation and you'll have several fans and haters in no time all man!

DionteGreg responds:

Thanks! Glad you liked it.

Damn it...

I'm gonna start playing with Ness on Brawl seeing as Nintendo won't be doing anything with Earthbound. You suck for this, Nintendo.

PinClock responds:

Nintendo is just too busy to release EarthBound apparently. As a Kirby fan I'm happy we finally got Dreamland 3 though.

I do a little bit of everything. Let's see what we can do together.

Shurrun Daniel @NOBODY321

Age 32, Male


Pyeongtaek-si, South Kore

Joined on 2/1/09

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