
11 Audio Reviews

2 w/ Responses

Just finished listening to your other two songs, and while they're both great, this one is badass! You definitely achieved what you were going for in staying truer to the original version, while still being able to hear add in the more noticable parts of your other version. Loved it, 5 stars, well done!

deliverance84 responds:

Thank you for the review mate, i'm really glad you like my version and the original, Sonic has had some pretty cool soundtracks.

HOOOOOOLY DAMN! I was not expecting this to be so kick-ass, but it is! I can see why this song has a solid 5-star rating. Seriously amazing work here, and I don't know enough words in enough languages to truly compliment it more!

Never heard anyone remix this particular stage of Chrono Cross before. Glad this one was the first seeing as is kicks quite a bit of ass. I also remember this stage being a bit of a pain in the ass thanks to all the damn puzzles and guardians so thanks for bringing up those rather pleasant memories as well!

Wow. This caught me completely off-guard in the best kind of way that I had to listen to it again. Really enjoyed the tempo change near the 1:50 mark, didn't see that coming but kept up with pace until the unexpected Time Devourer theme slowed it down at the 3:00 mark. Damn near freaked the hell out at that! All in all super awesome remix that's sure to throw people for a loop.

Funny thing, Squaresoft used this theme as the victory theme in Chrono Cross so you'd be right on that! Anyway this is actually the first time I've heard anyone remix this theme and it is rightfully badass, congrats on that achievement.

ChronoNomad responds:

Thanks, man! You are quite right, they did indeed use an interesting variation of this as the Chrono Cross victory theme. I can't say I've ever heard this remixed before either, and it was requested after I mentioned how cool this would sound with an Indiana Jones type of vibe. Suffice to say, there was but one recourse: "Challenge accepted!" It was a really fun mix to whip up, and I appreciate the feedback and review! Badassery is totally what I aim for.

Dude that was epic!

You would have made a great Genesis had you been cast in Crisis Core. Anyway, I wanna thank you for this one, I played through the game and never really got the whole Loveless poem. And Price of Freedom was a great song choice for it, they really should have put it in the game.

Sweet song!

But for some reason when I download it, it only plays 28 seconds of the song! T_T

Stalin would be proud...

And Kim Il Sung would salute you.


I wouldn't take for an R&B song, but who cares?! It's still kick ass. Awesome job!

I do a little bit of everything. Let's see what we can do together.

Shurrun Daniel @NOBODY321

Age 32, Male


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